About the Brand

We are a family-owned American company, based in the great state of Texas. Love of country has been instilled in us since birth. We believe that our founding fathers provided us with a constitution, unmatched by any country, past or present. We believe our constitution is based on trust in God and make no apologies for our faith. Grounded by strong moral values, we are God loving, free speaking, gun carrying, Pro-Life Americans. We are relentlessly patriotic...

We see politics, mainstream media, public education and social media slowly infringing on our freedoms and inalienable, God given rights. It is time that the "Silent Majority" is silent no more! The time has come for moral prudent people to stand for what we believe in.

Our clothing line is our way to express what it means to be FREE, to be a patriot for your country and fellow man. We urge you to represent what your beliefs and values are and not be afraid to share it. Our founder has been in the apparel business for over 25 years and he knows what people appreciate in clothing. We only have the highest quality apparel in our clothing line. It will fit well, wear well, print well, resist peeling and most of all it will feel fantastic!

Our apparel may not be for snowflakes or woke individuals, but we welcome all Americans to the RIGHT way of thinking.
Wear our apparel proudly and unapologetically. Live for liberty...LIVE FREE!